Gender (Sex) Selection

Many parents-to-be are interested in the opportunity to select the gender of their unborn child.

Advanced reproductive technologies make it possible with the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). In addition, determining the embryo’s gender eliminates the risk of having a child with genetic diseases.

The female egg contains the X chromosome, and the male sperm contains either the X or Y chromosome. If two X chromosomes merge, a girl will be born; if the female X chromosome merges with the male Y chromosome, a boy will be born. Initially, all embryos carry female sexual characteristics. Further, there is a differentiation of gender, due to the X- or Y-chromosome. The fetus acquires the characteristic organ buds for a boy or a girl. Modern medicine provides an opportunity to select the gender of the child using the method of PGD.

The PGD technique, in addition to the ability to clearly determine the gender, is a diagnostic method with extremely high accuracy to ensure the birth of a genetically healthy baby

PGD significantly increases the chance of successful first-time embryo implantation with IVF and the successful course of pregnancy and childbirth, as the technique allows, even before implantation, to identify embryos with various defects that could be detected only in the final stage of pregnancy by ultrasound. Only healthy embryos of the desired gender are transferred to the uterus.

Parents-to-be can carry out the PGD procedure without direct medical indications of their own free will.

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