Egg Donation

We are a premier fertility treatment center that offers exclusive blastocyst culture and biopsy on a regular basis. In combined fresh and frozen embryo transfer, our pregnancy rates with donor eggs are presently above 90%. Because of our excellent success rates, we can provide an egg donation reimbursement policy that ensures blastocyst creation. With us you will enjoy access to the latest and most advanced science and the very best chance of having a baby.

As a result, our egg donation program has been meticulously designed to provide the highest level of care and treatment. It varies from other overseas programs in a number of ways, the most essential of which is that our team is led by UK-trained fertility doctors who follow the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority's (HFEA) guidelines. The key goal is to get treatment as quickly as possible without having to wait. This implies that once you've finished all of the necessary screening tests, you'll be ready to begin treatment right away, with preparation in your home country and a quick trip to our facility in Famagusta, Cyprus (up to 7 days).

Before being approved into the donation program, all potential donors are checked by a doctor and undergo a comprehensive medical screening. The use of the same donor for more than one family is prohibited by Cypriot Assisted Conception Legislation (N.69 (I)/2015. This means that each egg donor is 'committed' to a single family and that each family has sole access to that donor (for future sibling cycles, etc.).

Step 1: Donor Choice & Preparation

The intended parents submit a Recipient Characteristics Form, which is examined by one of our fertility coordinators; if more tests or investigations are necessary, we tell the patients and support them through the investigation process. Based on each recipient's individual needs, we can provide an instant access to our exclusive group of healthy egg donors. When a suitable donor has been found and all of the necessary screening tests have been done, the donor will begin an ovarian stimulation cycle. Due to local Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) legislation (N.69 (I)/2015), all egg donors are anonymous, and so photographs and other identifying information remain private and cannot be shared with patients or their offspring in the future.

Step 2: Recipient Preparation

In the case of egg donation, we normally recommend freezing all embryos. After that, the receiver can be prepped for embryo transfer during a natural cycle (if possible), which, in our experience, gives the patient the best chance of becoming pregnant. Our doctors will offer a medication and instructions; a preparation typically includes drug self-administration and one or two ultrasound scans, which can be done at a local fertility specialist. We are able to refer to different IVF Clinics for the necessary scans. The exact date of the egg collection will be confirmed after the donor’s last ultrasound scan and at that time the final instructions for medication and the embryo transfer date will be given. If the recipient prefers to synchronise her cycle with the egg donors’ for a fresh embryo transfer this can also be arranged. We are usually able to provide an approximate treatment dates (6-8 weeks) in advance. That is why travel tickets can be booked in advance considering a minimum of 7 days of stay in Cyprus.

Step 3: Egg collection and Embryo Transfer

After the donor eggs are harvested, they are mixed with the recipient's partner's sperm (or donor sperm in some situations) and incubated (IVF/ICSI); consequently, a sperm sample must be supplied on the day of egg collection. We can also arrange for frozen sperm to be delivered to our facility. A fresh embryo transfer is arranged after fertilization, and if further embryo cleavage occurs, all appropriate high quality embryos are preserved (vitrified at the blastocyst stage) for future use. Embryo transfer is usually done on day 5 (blastocyst stage) after egg harvest, depending on embryo quality and growth. The intending parents will need to visit the clinic twice during their stay in Cyprus if utilizing a fresh sperm sample and a fresh embryo transfer is planned.

Accommodation/Travel: We have secured discounted rates with local hotels (details can be provided upon request) and can book free of charge airport transfers to your hotel if requested.

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