What Are The Reasons For Surrogacy

A surrogate mother is needed for those couples who, for one reason or another, cannot have children. As a rule, such situations are typical for severe infertility, which cannot be eliminated by either conservative or surgical techniques. This method is used in most cases when a woman is unable to bear a child on her own, as well as when single men or LGBT couples want to have children.

The reasons for surrogacy are:

  • 1) Indications for the program
  • 2) Congenital or acquired absence of the uterus in a genetic mother.
  • 3) Deformations of the uterus or cervix, preventing normal childbearing.
  • 4) Endometrial pathology (e.g., endometrial atrophy)
  • 5) Somatic diseases, in which pregnancy carries a risk to the life of the mother.
  • 6) Multiple IVF attempts that do not lead to pregnancy.
  • 7) The decision of a single man to become a father.
  • 8) The decision of LGBT couples to become parents.

Due to the progress in medicine and technologies surrogacy has become a generally available procedure. The legal support of the issue may turn to some difficulties. Therefore, it is important to consult only with professionals in infertility treatment. The surrogacy program provided by our specialists is an absolutely safe way to become parents of a healthy baby.

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