Candidates aged between 20-27, with healthy ovaries and no serious systemic illnesses, can reach out to us.

They are evaluated through routine tests such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, syphilis, and other screenings. If the analysis results indicate they are suitable for donation, the process of egg maturation begins at their place of residence, and they only need to stay in Northern Cyprus for one day.

Egg donors are also evaluated for familial hereditary diseases and psychological factors. After passing the evaluation, the approved donor uses daily, painless subcutaneous injections to stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs once they start menstruating. This treatment is essentially the classic IVF treatment and has no serious side effects.

Our clinic covers the costs of the donor's medication, transportation, accommodation, and examination organization. Each donor can donate up to three times a year. Routine gynecological follow-ups and examinations are also conducted by our clinic.

Egg donation is performed within the necessary frameworks, resulting in benefits for both the donor and the prospective mother. This valuable treatment, which enables prospective mothers with low ovarian reserves or carriers of genetic diseases to achieve healthy pregnancies with a success rate of about eighty percent, also brings happiness to the donors.

The donation process is anonymous. Donors and recipients will never have any information about each other. This confidentiality is guaranteed by our clinic.

Candidates who believe they meet the criteria can contact us.

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